Behavioral Supports

Behavioral Supports

CPAT offers expert Behavior Support Plans (BSP) and related interventions. Our BSPs are the result of robust and detailed assessments which include comprehensive collateral documents review; review of referral materials; input from parents/family/caregiver; and observation in relevant environment to include:

  1. Work/supported employment
  2. Home/living environment (i.e., group home/supervised apartment)
  3. Day Habilitation/Program
  4. Other Relevant Environments as indicated

CPAT’s BSPs include prosocial and positive reinforcement strategies as well as counseling strategies based on the individual’s unique needs and indicated assessment results. Individuals may also participate in individual and group-based therapies focused on such topics as appropriate social boundaries and interactions with others, appropriate use of social media, appropriate psychosexual boundaries, and emotional (i.e., anger) management strategies.

Special note: Individuals served through our Day Habilitation locations (if indicated) will receive BSP/counseling while at Day Habilitation and as part of Acuity level services (if appropriate). Acuity Individuals are also eligible to receive our expert BSP services in the home.

Behavior Supports/Psychodiagnostics

Nested Behavior Supports (NBS) – All eligible individuals who attend any of CPAT’s Day, Pre-vocational, or Supported Employment Programs have immediate access to accredited behavior supports, mental health services, and/or counseling provided by licensed clinicians. CPAT’s NBS (for eligible individuals) are provided in our program settings and easily translate into use in the home/group home/living environment where CPAT can provide training to family members and/or residential staff/providers.


Stand Alone Behavior Supports (SABS) – CPAT is credentialed and approved to provide Stand Alone Behavior Supports throughout New Jersey which include accredited behavior supports, mental health services, and/or counseling provided by licensed clinicians. Individuals interested in this service should download And complete the referral form or contact us for further information and availability (908-348-3611).


Psychodiagnostics – CPAT provides a host of behavioral and psychological evaluations to include but not limited to Psychological Evaluations; Functional Behavioral Assessments; Psychosexual Evaluations; and Guardianship/Intellectual/Eligibility Evaluations. Individuals interested in this service should download And complete the referral form or contact us for further information and availability (908-348-3611).